In a World where military leaders strive to protect their nation’s people, a formidable challenge arises: the lack of accessible and cost-effective technology which can be deployed in large numbers and be truly devastating. You need a versatile solution that can provide both affordability and mass mobilisation to win battles.

Flyby Technology has unveiled the game-changing solution.

JACKAL, our revolutionary Combat UAV package empowers military leaders to mobilise en-masse to deliver magnificent combat effect.

Embrace our technology, consultancy, and training, and witness a future where you gain a tactical advantage, safeguard lives, and ensure victory.

Failure to seize this opportunity risks falling behind, compromising security, and leaving your nation vulnerable. Fulfil your mission with JACKAL and protect what matters most.

JACKAL and the future family of Remotely Piloted Air Systems (RPAS) it represents is a modular, plug-and-play RPAS, with the potential to revolutionise modern warfare and give the UK and its allies, the flexible combat capability required in the modern world.

JACKAL has the potential to do it all; from battlefield air interdiction, close air support, engaging helicopters in flight, killing vehicles, delivering logistics to denying an enemy the use of runways and roads. This puts it uniquely into a class of its own. Being able to launch and support the LMM makes JACKAL a devastating combat capability, able to fire modern battlefield weapons in flight and take on competent adversaries.

With JACKAL now also being used as a rapid test platform, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. As a plug-and-play system, new equipment and technologies can be incorporated into the aircraft between missions as well as during continuous combat spiral development. This novel approach ensures that future aircraft are not going to be obsolete before they even go into service. It also gives a pathway to future regulatory compliance and airworthiness standards.

There has never been such an exciting multi-role aircraft, and Flyby Technology want to make it a flagship product, creating secure UK jobs and contributing to a new future for the British aerospace and defence industries. Please contact us to talk about how we can help you get this exciting capability into service for your needs.



The Attack JACKAL is equipped to carry:

  • Thales Lightweight Multirole Missile LMM (Anti-APC and anti-helicopter)
  • Thales Free-Fall LMM Anti-APC, sangar and anti-personnel
  • Northrop Grumman Hatchet Missile Anti-APC, sangar and anti-personnel


Engagement time
Cruise speed
Max pressure altitude
Max payload


10 minutes
120 Kts
10,000 feet
50kg (Currently flying in trials carrying 65kg)

James Keown

Thales Business Development Manager

It is breaking the barriers in showing what is possible by employing existing technology. And to show people, to demonstrate visually, that we can use lightweight precision weapons from this latest generation of, let’s call it a tactical platform, where we can have, perhaps, two rounds and we can exploit all the benefits of LMM as precise. It has a good range, you know, it’s like two to 6km, and can be used against a variety of high-value threats.

Jon Parker

Flyby Technology CEO

you want to win you have to be a step ahead and everybody else is racing ahead and we need to be able to either catch up or overtake. Jackal is the start of that process. Up until now, drones have been used in a very light tactical way or as a big standoff surveillance platform and reconnaissance platform, sometimes with missiles on them to do small interventions on roads in Afghanistan and things like that.


Courageous and determined military leaders have one noble mission: to protect the people of their nation from threats and ensure their safety. Flyby can offer our expertise to help our friends be on the winning side.

Our consultancy services in the field of drone design and operations, including combat UAVs, encompass a wide range of aspects including compliance and regulatory approvals, as well as doctrine and tactics for military and government agencies. With the rapid advancement of drone technology, it has become crucial for organisations to navigate the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding drone operations.

We ensure that our customers are equipped to adhere to compliance and regulatory requirements, such as airspace restrictions, licensing, and technical solutions. We provide guidance on obtaining necessary permissions, certifications and insurance coverage, and accompany you on that journey. We assist in developing comprehensive doctrine, training and tactics for effective drone employment in combat scenarios. thereby enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring mission success.

Working with us will help you mitigate risks and optimise the performance of technology and personnel. Our guidance will enable you to stay at the forefront of technological advancements while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and safety of combat UAV operations.

Drone and training system design for military and government operations involves the comprehensive development of aircraft and training programmes. Designing the aircraft entails creating robust and versatile platforms, optimised for specific operational requirements. This includes considering factors such as payload capacity, endurance, range, maintainability and reliability. Simultaneously, the training system is designed to ensure pilots receive the necessary skills and knowledge to operate the aircraft effectively and safely.

Our experts develop tailored training programs that encompass GVC, BVLOS, and core mission training and examining. They create detailed documentation and technical manuals that cover all aspects of the aircraft, including its systems, maintenance procedures, operational processes, and emergency response guidelines. These resources provide pilots and maintenance personnel with the necessary information to operate, maintain, and troubleshoot problems the aircraft encounters effectively.

The process always includes full support from Flyby Technology on your journey.

This integrated support ensures that military and government entities can leverage the full potential of drones while adhering to regulations, optimising their operational capabilities, and achieving mission success.

Specialist drone pilot training for military and government operations plays a pivotal role in maximising the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various scenarios. This training encompasses a range of components, including General Visual Line of Sight Certificate (GVC) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations, as well as mission-specific training.

GVC training equips all drone pilots with the necessary skills to operate UAVs within visual line of sight, following established processes and regulations. This training emphasises safe and efficient flying, understanding airspace restrictions, and complying with the complex but relevant laws.

BVLOS training is essential for expanding the operational range of drones, enabling pilots to fly beyond the visual horizon. Pilots gain expertise in utilising advanced technologies, such as sense-and-avoid systems and long-range secure communications, to ensure safe and effective BVLOS operations.

Mission-specific training focuses on tailoring drone operations to meet your objectives, such as reconnaissance, surveillance, or target acquisition. Pilots are trained in tactical manoeuvres, mission planning, data capture and analysis, and payload utilisation, optimising the drone’s role in military and government operations.

Working with Flyby Technology in specialised drone pilot training, military and government organisations can harness the full potential of UAVs, enhancing situational awareness, operational efficiency, and mission success.

JACKAL Appears in the RAF's Air and Space Power Review

JACKAL has appeared in the RAF's Air and Space Power Review. This journal is the professional flagship publication of the Royal Air Force and how it thinks...

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JACKAL is in the Defence Command Paper 2023

The Paper that the Government has written to describe its vision for our armed forces has centred on the need for highly effective affordable platforms that can be acquired quickly and cheaply. It contains photographs of JACKAL firing a missile in our recent firing trial. It is great to be used as an example of how things should be done.

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Air International

Flyby Technology's appearance in the August edition of Air International is something of a first for a small business. Small but MIGHTY!

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